• COMMUNICATIONS: Internet Communications Issues (not neccesarily Win 95 related)
  • COMMUNICATIONS: Microsoft Internet Utilities
  • MS-Exchange

    MS-Internet Explorer

    MS-Internet Mail

    COMMUNICATIONS: Miscellaneous.



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    1. Modem String Initialization? Modem Statistics?

    Modem Statistics

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    2 Is there some way to configure hyperterminal to auto-redial (`till connection) ?

    Hi all there. Sometimes I do use HyperTerminal, but when the host`s PBX is busy so I have to re-press the Redial button. Is there some way to configure an auto-redial (`till connection) without pressing that button time after time?

    No! but Pay a visit to Hilgraeve's web site <http://www.hilgraeve.com/htpe.html> and pick up a copy of Hyperterminal Personal Edition 2. It is a more powerful version of the Hyperterminal program that is bundled with Win95, has many more features (including auto re-dial) and its free. Enjoy! kbatchelor@

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    3 NO DIALTONE on my Modem?

    Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1998  
    From: "Hans Klarenbeek" <[email protected]> 
    Subject: No Dialtone on Modem....

    This could actually caused by a few things if your modem is an import and does not recognise an for instance Australian Dial-Tone you will have to add and X# to you initialisation string or in you Start | Settings | Modem | Connection | Advanced settings - however this may also help

    Date:    Sun, 13 Oct 1998 15:08:01 +0200
    From:    Michel Clasquin <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: URGENT: NO DIALTONE (help me, please)

    I had exactly the same problem with a Creative modemblaster. Here's the workaround:

    Start | Settings | Modem | <Select modem name> | Properties | Connection | <deselect "Wait for dial tone before dialling">

    You may need to reboot afterwards

    The only problem I have now is that I have to switch the modem and phone lines manually, because the Modem Blaster isn't feeding a dial tone to the handset either - but I can live with that; in a high-lightning strike area like this it's not a bad idea anyway.

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    4 Internal Modem Comms port Hassles?

    Date:    Sun, 13 Oct 1998 15:48:40 -0700
    From:    Mark Dodge <[email protected]> www.primenet.com/~markd #1 USA Mirror site of this FAQ
    Subject: Re: HARDWARE:Modem/computer/?

    Question:- I have bought a new Pentium computer and have installed my modem from the old 486 machine. I thought it will be easiest thing to do but I am running into so many problems that I seem to be stumped.

    First: The modem was set to use com2 on 486 but pentium did not like that and did not recognize the hardware at all until I changed its jumpers to com4.

    2. It finally once recognized it as 'internal modem' and I decided to change it and therefore I removed the modem but it again it does not recognize it. When I use add/remove hardware, it gives me the message no new hardware found even though I have removed the modem.

    3. I am able to force com4 setting manually but when I start dialing I get the message "port already open" and "Some other DUN is dialing the connection. Close the program that is using the port"

    4. One time I got the message "adapter type incorrect" but I do not get that message any more.

    5. etc. Does any one have an idea as to what is going on and how to set the modem? Have a peaceful and prosperous day.

    Answer:- Put the modem back at com2, but disable the comm port in the BIOS setup. Also check to see that the Interrupt is set to IRQ 3. (Same here - hansie)

    COMMUNICATIONS: Internet Communciations Issues

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    1 My old windows3.x (Internet 16- bit winsock) program no longer works?

    The Windows95 32-bit winsock should run everything your previous winsock (like trumpet or chameleon) did. When used with the Microsoft® tcp/ip Dial-Up Adapter or another 32bit tcp/ip protocol, you can run 32bit programs (called Internet clients) like Netscape Navigator. Make sure you only have one winsock installed as some programs may become confused and thus not work properly.

    This particularly applies to Netscape - netscape will NOT function if two winsocks are present. Netscape always looks for its winsock in the system directory

    You can verify the number of winsocks on your computer by using the win95 FIND command:

    START taskbar \ Find winsock \ Find Now

    If you still have an old winsock.dll on your system, rename it or delete it. You may then need to reboot (depending on whether or not you have attempted winsock usage during the current session). With the win95, most Internet (winsock) apps work just fine -- (many work better than before). However, Trumpet's winsock does seem to have difficulty with the 32bit Internet applications. This FAQ includes specific Windows95 TCP/IP setup & Dial-Up Adapter Instructions and links to other sources of help for tcp/ip (PPP & SLIP). Some Internet programs like NFS or PING may not work at all because they are not true tcp/ip winsock applications.

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    2 My new win95 (Internet 32-bit winsock) program does not work?

    All 32bit Internet programs require a 32bit winsock.dll AND 32bit winsock (TCP/IP stack) PROTOCOL. Both Win95 and WinNT's winsocks are called WSOCK32.DLL. The WSOCK32.DLL is a 32-bit stack just like WINSOCK.DLL is a 16-bit stack for windows3.x. PPP and SLIP use the win95's DIAL-UP ADAPTER for the PPP and SLIP protocols required to complete the connection to the Internet. See questions 3.1 (PPP) and 3.2 (SLIP) for instructions on installing win95's dial-up adapter.

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    3 How to set up tcp/ip PPP connection?

    SUMMARY: establishing a WIN95 Dial-Up Network Connection to the Internet:

    1. Install win95 software (called the Dial-Up Adapter).

    2. Configure the win95 Dial-Up Adapter.

    3. Configure the win95 Dial-Up Connection

    4. Once the dial-up adapter is installed, you can also review the document "Dialing up the Internet with Windows® 95" located in the folder Dial-Up Networking (click on the MyComputer icon).

    DETAILED tcp/ip PPP Instructions

    Install win95 Dial-Up Adapter programs: \MyComputer \ Control Panel\ Add-Remove Programs \Windows Setup tab \ Communications tab \Dial-Up Networking option (must be checked) then follow the instructions on the screen

    MyComputer \ Control Panel \ Network \Configuration tab (If the TCP/IP option is not displayed, then install it: Configuration tab \ ADD \ Protocol \ ADD \ Microsoft \ TCP\IP \ Configure TCP/IP protocol dial-up adapter

    Configuration tab \TCP/IP dial-up adapter \ PROPERTIES \ DNS Configuration \ Enable DNS (check option \ "Host" (enter any name) \ "Domain" (enter your Internet provider's Domain Name) \ "DNS Server Search Order" (enter your Internet provider's address i.e. \ ADD \ "Domain Suffix Search Order" (enter your Internet provider's domain name \ ADD \ IP ADDRESS tab

    Most users will do the following: "Obtain Address from DHCP Server" (check this option) \ If you have a "FIXED IP" address -- then you will enter your IP address and Subnet mask, instead. \ OK \ CLOSE (Network) \ CLOSE (control panel)

    Configure the Dial Up Connection: MyComputer \ Dial-Up Networking \ Make a New Connection (then follow the instructions of the "make a new connection" Wizard -- for most users, all that will have to be entered is your InternetProvider's Name and the Access phone number \The "make new connection" Wizard will create an ICON to use.\ Select this icon \RIGHT mouse click \ PROPERTIES \Server Type \For most users, select the following options: "Type of Server" PPP \ ADVANCED tab \ choose Software Compression \ "Allowed Protocols" TCP \ OK

    Connecting to the Internet: MyComputer \ Dial-Up Networking \ connection ICON \ User Name \ password \ SAVE \ Connect \When connected, a terminal screen will appear, most users will enter UserName, Password, P (for PPP or "S" for slip) \ CONTINUE button (or <F7 key>) when the win95 dialog button indicates you are successfully logged in press MINIMIZE \ Start your Internet access programs.

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    4 How to set up a SLIP connection?


    Setting up SLIP: My Computer\Control\Add.Remove Programs\Have Disk \ Browse\Choose your CD drive letter \Admin\apptools\slip. (Or diskette with Rnaplus.inf file on it). Highlight the Rnaplus.inf file. Hit OK until you see a program selection for the UNIX (Yes UNIX!!) Connection For Dial-Up Networking. Check the box and hit install. Hit OK to return to the control panel.WIN '95 Setting up properties for SLIP

    My Computer\Control Panel\Network\Network Properties\ Under Network\Under Network Components \ Install the following Client---Microsoft: \ Client for Microsoft Networks Adapter---Microsoft: Dial up Adapter \ Protocol---Microsoft: \ TCP/IP Remove any other Clients, Adapters and Protocols, \ they are not needed.\ Primary Network Logon: Windows Logon\ File and Print Sharing: Leave alone \

    Configure Network:

    Highlight Client for Microsoft Networks\Properties \ Under Logon validation: \ Uncheck Log on to Windows NT Domain \ Under Network Logon options:\ Select Quick Logon \OK \ Highlight Microsoft Dial-Up Adapter and hit Properties: \ Driver: Enhanced Mode \ Bindings: Microsoft TCP/IP, \ Advanced: Leave it alone \OK \ Highlight Microsoft TCP/IP and hit Properties:\ Bindings:\ Client for Microsoft Networks \ WINS Configuration: Disable \ IP Address: your IP address \ ( something) \ MASK: none or your mask (either will work) \ DNS Configurations: Enable DNS:\ Host: Your Providers name\ Domain: Your provider.com \ DNS Server Search Order: (Enter your DNS Here) \ ADD \ Select Gateway \ New Gateway: NONE \ ADD \ Advanced: Check off the box \ OK \ Check off the box \ IDENTIFICATION PAGE: Just fill it in (no use for SLIP) \ ACCESS CONTROL PAGE\Share-Level Access Control\Network Popup \ If you are just installing for the first time, it will copy more files to your hard drive. It will prompt you to re-boot. You must do that at this time.

    WIN '95 Connection Configuration for SLIP

    My Computer\Dial-up Networking\Make New Connection \ Enter definitive name for the computer; Configure modem if needed \ NEXT\local telephone number\NEXT\FINISH \It will tell you that you are finished.... Not really but close.

    Now your connection appear as an icon in the Dial Up Networking folder \ click RIGHT Mouse button\Properties\Configure\General\

    Configure modem:

    For Maximum Speed, select 38400 for a 14.4 modem or 115200 for a 28.8.\ Connection\Select desired properties, the defaults should be fine \ Advanced\select Use error control|Compress Data and flow control|Hardware \ \OK \ OK

    IMPORTANT!!! configure your server type to SLIP \(Yes, It was those options that you configured when you added the \ RNAPLUS.INF file. Can you believe it?) \ For easy access, click the Connection's ICON and drag to desktop \Double click on ICON, when terminal pops up login to your server \ and hit F7 (CONTINUE)

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    5 How can I set up my machine so I can have a friend FTP into it?

    Not out of the box! But what you can do is to download a shareware FTP server programme from best Windows 95 software repository by clicking on the following link www.windows95.com

    The following information was correct as of 1/10/96

    Application Version Date Size Description Status
    Click here to download FTP Serv-U 2.0c 8/14/96 491 K WINner95A simple FTP server. Features include multiple simultaneous access, anonymous logins, an extensive set of security options, and complete instructions in the accompanying on-line help. For more info, check out the FTP Serv-U Home Page. Shareware $25.00
    Click here to download Vermillion FTP Daemon 1.12 8/6/96 222 K VFTPD is a thoroughly tested high security FTP daemon that features an extremely powerful interface, detailed status reporting, per-user IP checking, intelligent permission editors, upload/download ratio enforcement, and much more. For more info, check the Vermillion FTP Daemon Home Page. Shareware $30.00
    Click here to download War FTP Daemon Experimental version 1.29x 8/4/96 1.4 MB BBS like Windows interface for the system operator, extreme flexibility, multithreading, multihoming, dupe checker, Upload/Download ratio restrictions, Extended UNIX file system, IP access restrictions, OLE support, report-generator, encrypted user database, On-line help. For more info, check the War FTP Daemon Home Page. Freeware
    Click here to download TFTPSuite 4.3 7/11/96 1215 K A TFTP Suite for WIN95. Comprises a tftp server and tftp client for win95. This software is released as shareware and comes with full online documentation. For more info, check the TFTPSuite Home Page. Shareware 20 Pounds
    Click here to download WFTPD 2.20 6/29/96 340 K A widely-used 32-bit FTP Server. Shareware
    Click here to download FreeWay FTP 2.0 Beta 2 6/1/96 229 K A totally FREE ftp server for Win95. For more info, check the FreeWay FTP Home Page. Freeware

    Copyright © 1998 Windows95.com

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    6 Does anyone know what ftpmail is or how to use it?

    FTPMail is a way of FTPing a file from an FTP location, and to receive it through e-mail. All you have to do is to send an e-mail requesting the file, and next time you check mail, the file should be there! It is mostly used by people who have e-mail only, but even people WITH internet access use it, 'cause it sometimes takes too long to download a file. [email protected] is my favourite FTPMailer. It's pretty reliable, and quite fast. It sends the file within 10 minutes!

    Send mail to [email protected] with the subject HELP for more details. semba@

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    7 Does anyone have the adress for an email test responder?

    A search with Alta Vista has left me very confused. I want to send a message and have it bounce back to me. You know like some people do from time to time on the list.

    TO: [email protected]



    TO: [email protected]



    TO: mirror@removed by request



    TO: [email protected]



    ... (note all subject and body areas are left blank) R. E. B.

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    8 The save password box is greyed out on Win95 Dun?

    Each time I want to dial-up my ISP, I have to enter my password in the dial-up networking box. The "SAVE PASSWORD" checkbox is unavailable?

    Hmm several complementary and conflicting view on this one - I have this problem myself so when I can be bothered I will tell you all what worked for me....

    Date:    Sun, 5 Jan 1997 12:20:06 -0700
    From:    Rick McKay <[email protected]>
    Subject: COMM NET: Save password checkbox in Dial-up Networking (yet again)

    I responded to this question last week, but here it is once more. You don't need to have Client for Microsoft Networks installed in order to have the "Save Password" checkbox available, but I guess it will work since so many of you have responded thusly. The second solution listed below (that was sent by John Farrow, and by me a week earlier) works just fine; I don't have Client for MS Networks installed (I just triple-checked), but the checkbox is available. I just have the customized desktop option selected in Control Panel/Passwords/User Profiles. I found this out through sheer luck about 6 months ago.

    1. You probably need to install the Client for Microsoft Networks Control panel || Network || Configuration

    2. I had that problem with Worldnet.att.net After I called the net the rep had me go into control panel/passwords/user profiles and then check "users can customize" and then check both boxes under that heading. Hope this works for you

    Date:    Mon, 6 Jan 1997 21:37:32 -0500
    From:    Michael Dimen <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: Greyed out "PASSWORD" check box for ISP

    Delete the *.pwl file in \windows. Reboot. When prompted enter a username and either a password or just hit <enter>. DON'T HIT <ESC> OR CANCEL. Go back to DUN; you'll find the save password checkbox ungrayed. This worked for me!! Afterwards I went to Control Panel password and changed it to none.....

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    9 What are the benefits of the ISDN update for people who don't have ISDN connections?

    Date:    Mon, 16 Dec 1998 00:44:06 -0800
    From:    Dave Maser <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: DESKTOP BUGS APPS:  Benefits of ISDN accelerator without ISDN connection:

    I don't know all the technical details, but for me there were two big benefits of installing the ISDN accelerator pack, which were left behind even after uninstalling the ISDN update:

    1. DUN now remembers my password!

    2. No need to hit connect every time, it automatically dials and when connected, the connections icon goes to the system tray instead of the taskbar.

    3. It added some extra options when you show the properties of a DUN file; the one I like most is the ability to set the number of times to redial and the time to wait before redialing.

    I have previously used DUNCE which I was very pleased with, but now I don't need an extra program like that.

    Hope this answers your question!

    COMMUNICATIONS: Microsoft Internet Utilities


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    1. Stop MS-EXCHANGE from sending *.rtf binary attachments?

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    2. Signature File for MS-EXCHANGE?

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    3. MS-EXCHANGE and MIME ?

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    4. How to set up MS-Exchange to send and receive mail only when told?

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    5. Sort & Filter mail with MS-Exchange?

    MS-Internet Explorer

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    1. Internet Explorer 3.0 : - I'd like to reduce the toobar in height so it shows only the graphics.

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    2. Microsft internet explorer won't run says there's insufficicient storage

    The final microsoft internet explorer V3.0 wont run because it says there is insufficient storage I checked the hard-drive(s) to see whether there is enough space and there is no problem (+/- 70Mb). Whats up


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    3. Explorer V3.0 uses other news or mail programmes?

    There have been some recent posts (since the RELEASED version of MSIE3.0) wherein people have noted (sometimes perturbed, other times with amusement) that other Mail or News programs come up when they try to call up Mail or News from within MSIE3.0 (like by hitting an embedded address, other ways too). I have found the way to get MSIE Mail become the default.

    Go to Explorer | View | Options | File Type (Tab) | and scroll down to URL : MailTo Protocol. Click it and then click Edit. You should see action set to OPEN. Double click on open and you should get a box which says "application to perform action" (in this case, OPEN, which you will see as a greyed out option in the box). Fill in the following:

    rundll32.exe C:\WIN\SYSTEM\mailnews.dll,Mail_RunDLL (make changes in the Windows directory as necessary)

    Likely, you currently have that line pointing to Eudora or Exchange. I think you also have to set Internet Mail as your default under Options.

    Also, the same thing holds for MSNews, except that the File that you'll be changing under Explorer (follow instructions above) is URL: NewsProtocol and the action line should be changed to read:

    rundll32.exe C:\WIN\SYSTEM\mailnews.dll,News_RunDLL

    That should do it. kamhiv@

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    4. Is there any way to determine the actual URL from a favorite shortcut in MSIE 3.0 while off line?

    I often want to send someone a URL from a favorite in my browser file, but have not been able to figure out how to do so short of actually going to the site and then reading the URL off the address bar. Since I am on a SLIP/PPP connection, I work mostly off-line and it is a pain to log on and connect to the WWW site in order to get the URL. I want the actual URL, not an imbedded shortcut.

    Within explorer, go to favorites menu / organise favorites / RT click on site and select properties select the Internet Shortcut Tab. hansie@

    MS-Internet Mail

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    1. MS Internet Mail: - Every time I close MS Internet Mail it drops the dial-up connection to my ISP.

    COMMUNICATIONS: Miscellaneous.

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    1. Automated script function for Internet (dial-up adapter)? UPDATE 12 April 1997

    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1998 13:04:29 -0700 (Hmmm better late than never)
    From: Peter LaDow <[email protected]>
    Subject: Win95 FAQ Additional Information

    I noticed that on your Win95 FAQ you make a reference to the RoboDUN scripting tool to automate DUN. This is in the Comm - Modems & Internet\ Misc\ Item #1.

    There is included on the Win95 CD a scriptingtool. It is in \Admin\Apptools\Dscript. It can be installed via the Control Panel\Add/Remove Software. It comes with sample scripts and was a piece of cake to setup.

    -- Peter LaDow

    Date: Sat, 12 April 1997
    From: Hans Klarenbeek ([email protected])
    Subject: Win95 FAQ Additional Information

    Boy oh boy I took my time putting that one in.... Hmmm OSR 2 has the scripting tool built - and most with sensible service providers you should need it anyway....

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    2. MSN access troubleshooting?

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    3. Remove the NETWORK NEIGHBORHOOD icon from desktop?

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    4. Internet software (programmes) for Win95?

    Microsoft's Offerings are starting to look better every day IE3 and IE4 are great products so much so that I now reccomend it browser above anything else.... The jury is still out on the rest although I am steadily getting pissed off with Eudora (NO MULTITHREADING YOU MORONS).... and it may soon go aswell... .

    Can someone point me to the right place, please? I'm ready to get a SLIP/PPP account and get off of AOL for Internet access. I've read about different packages people use like Netscape, Free Agent, Eudora, WinVN, WinFTP, etc. I'd like a definative list to get started.


    For Newsreader, if you want to minimize hourly connect charges, use FREE AGENT because it allows you read newsgroups off-line. Both FREE AGENT and WINVN decode, binary files (like *.gif graphics) after-downloading. Both are freeware but Free Agent has "more features" commerical version for $29. Also suitable for use as a Newsreader are NETSCAPE , MS Internet News, or alternatively MS Internet Explorer. The other two allow you to customize preferences, window screens, etc..

    While I (Robyn) consider myself computer literate and a computer professional, I've shied away from Exchange as a Mail Reader because I can't even figure out how to send a message much less receive one (and on this one, I refuse to RTFM). And, then, there's the "attachment" thing.

    Forte Free Agent is available from http://www.forteinc.com/forte

    WinVIN is available free from ftp.ksc.nas.gov in the \pub\win3\winvn.

    (TheWinVN Mailing List Group: email subscription request to: [email protected])

    NetScape is naturally enough available from www.netscape.com

    E-Mailing packages

    I personally use Eudora Pro and from the beginning it was very "initutive" and easy to use without the instructions. Eudora also is freeware with the"More Features' commerical version costing around AU$100. Robyn also, purchased the commercial version of FREE AGENT which is suppose to have a full feature Mail Reader. If it's half as nice as the newsreader, I'll probably switch to Free Agent as my Mail Client as well.

    MS-EXCHANGE comes bundled with Win95

    EUDORA available free from www.qualcomm.com

    (EUDORA Mailing List Group: email to: [email protected] SUBSCRIBE)

    FTP Packages

    There are two main contenders in this field, my favourite on at this stage is Cute FTP.

    Telnet Packages

    Personally I think there is only one contender Simp Term by Xiang-Qing Hu please feel free to correct me on this

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    5. It is possible to have crash recovery when I download a file from the Internet ?

    It is possible to have crash recovery when I download a file from the Internet? Like a BBS? Zmodem support recovering files that have been accidentally stopped downloading, is this possible in the Internet?

    No. The current FTP RFC doesn't support this.

    It may very well not... but several FTP clients support the concept. CuteFTP is the one that immediately leaps to mind... 'cause I use it.

    Even if your FTP client supports it, if the server you're talking to doesn't, you're out of luck. Currently, I know of two FTP daemons for '95 that DO resume interrupted transfers: WAR-FTPD and Serv-U. There may be others. mwilson@

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    6. My machine freezes when I disconnect from an internet session.

    Rename the device driver VNBT.386 (located in your /windows/system directory) to something else. For example, I renamed mine "renamed vnbt.386" in the off chance that I need it in the future for some reason. Apparently this driver, useful only for computers on a network, tends to freeze some systems perhaps 5% of the time when dropping carrier. This was the same problem I have experienced for almost a year. I renamed this file and, voila, no more system freeze.

    I followed this tip a few weeks ago and have had no more freezes on disconnect. hargravep@


    This article and web site listing is provided without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, the author, faq maintainers and contributors assume no responsibility for errors or ommissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information herin. This document respects all owners of their repected trademarks and or copyrights, Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT are the sole copyright of Microsoft Corporation and thus belongs to Bill.

    Copyright Notice ©

    Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ COPYRIGHT © 1998 by Hans Klarenbeek

    All Rights Reserved by the author, Hans Klarenbeek

    Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ © 1998 PERMISSION:

    Permission is granted freely to distribute this article in electronic form as long as it is posted in its entirety including this copyright statement. This article may not be distributed for financial gain. This article may not be included in any commerical collections or compilations without the express permision of the author, Hans Klarenbeek([email protected])