• 1. Available USENET news groups?

    Are there any win95 specific USENET news groups? YES

    As of late last year there are lots of newgroups that specifically deal with Windows 95 issues do a global join *win95* and you will see how many news groups there are solely dedicated to Windows 95 issues

    2. Other Internet Resources?

    There are two known Listserv groups (automated email discussion groups) for win95.

    Win95-L "Give & Take" Forum for general discussions and problem solving related to win95 -- this FAQ is an outcome of the groups efforts of users helping users.

    Subscribe: send email to [email protected] and in the body of the text, write SUBSCRIBE win95-L.

    If you would like the list in digest form, add the following command SET digest win95-L (This means you will receive 6 or so large E-mails a day instead of 30-100 regular E-Mails - this gets to be tiresome real quick....

    Another thing you can do also is to download the entire Win95-L discussion dating back to its Inception way back in May 1995......you can do this by using your favorite FTP programme and pointing it at PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM. Log in anonymously and there you are..... go into the lists directory and peruse history........Hansie

    Win95-NET forum discusses networking issues related to win95 Subscribe: send email to [email protected] in the body of the letter write SUBSCRIBE Win95-NET

    Also, Micro$oft offers a free email newsletter, WinNews

    Subscribe: send email to [email protected] in the body of the letter, write SUBSCRIBE WinNews FirstName LastName

    3. Using Keywords in the Subject Line?

    What are the Capitalized Abbreviations used on mailing list messages and some USENET messages in the Subject Line? Topic Keyword usage in the subject line helps the readersort through messages faster (for deletion, 'catchup thread', saving or reading). Many automated mailing list servers can sort up to 11 different topics allowing users to subscribe only to those messages for a specific topic. The keywords recommended for the WIN95 'Give and Take' email list forum are:


    Adminstrative posting to List Owner or a newsgroup procedure


    Backup issues and questions


    Wwindows95 bugs (errors)


    Communications (modem, Internet, fax)


    Comments questions about win95 desktop options


    Micro$oft Exchange Mail Program


    Hardware issues


    Setup issues and questions


    Micro$oft Network


    Networking related issues


    General interest or 'FYI'--for your information


    Features you would like to see included in win95 or could have been done better

    When you have queries please suplly as much information as you can, such as the software you run, the hardware you own and which if any service packs you have or have not installed.

    {For groups like WIN95, with different versions (builds) of the same product all called win95, it is helpful to readers to specify the verison number (i.e. build 347, build m8, or preview; build 490 June Test Release) This also applies to other software with different releases such as WordPerfect for WINDOWS version 6.1 (Wpwin6.1) }

    Win95 Websites

    Best Starting Point: QAID (http:www.whidbey.net/~mdixon/qaid0001.htm)

    QAID. download version at: ftp.whidbey.net/pub/mdixon/The standalone version is a windows hypertext interface which you can print, export, copy and paste,

    Windows95 Information: QAID Question/Answer/Information/ Database

    4. Netiquette (the do's and don't of Internet communciations)

    1. Given the multinational nature of the Internet where English is a second language for many posters (email writers). If you take offense to the grammar or spelling of a message, please take into consideration the poster's origin. Please do not insult or flame a person whose grasp of the English language is lacking. They deserve credit for the effort to post in a foreign language as well as the knowledge they have to provide to the group's discussion.

    2. Newsgroups are set up to make public any message posted. If you wish to make a private comment, you must ensure that you reply to the original author of the message (the individual email address of the person in the 'From:' header field) rather than to the newsgroups itself.

    3. It is recognized that quoting messages is sometimes important in order to preserve context. However, please limit your quoting to that which is absolutely necessary to the reply to the thread (Subject) -- and PLEASE delete all header lines if your mailer includes them.

    4. Discussions that compare competing software such as other rating systems/shells (such as OS/2 vs Windows 95) are not permitted as a general rule in comp.* newsgroups and many mailing list related to computer topics. The exception are the comp. * .ADVOCACY groups and alt.* groups. Keep postings relevant to the newsgroup or email list's stated Topic.

    5. Please DO NOT post transcriptions of reviews or articles from copyrighted publications--even if they relate to a discussion taking place. You can always cite the article in question so others can look it up.

    6. Please do not post Commercial advertisements or any other postings not germane to the subject of the newsgroups.

    7. Newsgroups related to the discussion of Micro$oft Windows© products have 'ms-windows' in their title. Please do not post windows95 discussions to groups like comp.windows.news and comp.windows.misc. These are for non Micro$oft products that use a similar GUI (graphical user interface).

    8. Use "smileys" to show emotion or "tone down" wording. Basic Smileys are used to make statement since we can't hear voice inflection over email


    Limit your total Signature (Tag) lines. Your Signature shouldn't take up more lines than the average (short 5- 10 line) post (message). Use hard returns if necessary so the number of characters per line doesn't exceed 65-70 characters per line. Many Internet readers do not use software that automatically adjust the line length to the width of the screen. Were to find the ASCII Art for your Tag line:

    ASCII Art:

    click on ART at

    Scott Yanoff's Internet Connections List:


    5 Magazines & Bookpublishers

    There is large Range of electronic Magazines on net - they are almost all for free so check them out.


    CommunicationsWeek, CommunicationsWeek International, Computer Reseller News, Computer Reseller News Germany, Computer Retail Week, Electronic Buyers' News, Electronic Engineering Times, HomePC, Informatiques Magazine, InformationWeek, InteractiveAge, Max, CD-ROM, NetGuide, Network Computing, OEM Magazine, VAR Business, Windows 95 Magazine

    http://www.ziff.com, http://www.zdnet.com

    PC Magazine PC/Computing Windows Sources Computer Shopper Computer Gaming World PC Week MacWeek Yahoo! Internet Life Computer Life MacUser PC Magazine Family PC Inter@ctive Week


    Inside Microsoft Excel, Inside Microsoft Word 6, Inside Microsoft Office, Inside Microsoft Access, Inside Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 95 Professiona, Inside Microsoft Windows, Exploring Windows NT, Inside Visual FoxPro, Inside the Internet, The Internet Business Advantage,


    DBMS OTJ - Oracle Technical Journal

    http://www.infoworld.com/ InfoWorld

    http://www.ddj.com/ Dr Dobbs

    http://www.ccurrents.com/magazine/national/national.html Computer Currents


    This article and web site listing is provided without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, the author, faq maintainers and contributors assume no responsibility for errors or ommissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information herin. This document respects all owners of their repected trademarks and or copyrights, Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT are the sole copyright of Microsoft Corporation and thus belongs to Bill.

    Copyright Notice ©

    Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ COPYRIGHT © 1998 by Hans Klarenbeek

    All Rights Reserved by the author, Hans Klarenbeek

    Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ © 1998 PERMISSION:

    Permission is granted freely to distribute this article in electronic form as long as it is posted in its entirety including this copyright statement. This article may not be distributed for financial gain. This article may not be included in any commerical collections or compilations without the express permision of the author, Hans Klarenbeek([email protected])