A. Administrivia

    Where is the latest FAQ? [Update]

    What's this about a Win95NetBugs email list?

    What related resources are available? [Update]

    Copyright Notice. [Update]

    To do's and cries for help.

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A.1. Where is the latest FAQ?

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 97 22:00:00 -0800
From: Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>

The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at:

Recent but not necessarily up-to-the-minute versions of the FAQ can be found on your local news server in the newsgroup comp.answers and on the RTFM FAQ repository and its mirrors.

If the news postings have expired on your site, and you have no Web/FTP access, you can obtain FAQs through the decwrl ftp mail server. For instructions, send an email message to [email protected] with a body containing simply:


You will receive a full set of instructions by return mail.

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A.2. What's this about a Win95NetBugs email list?

Date: Wed, 27 Dec 95 14:44:00 -0800
From: Rich Graves <[email protected]>

[email protected] is an unmoderated electronic mail discussion list for the purpose of sharing information and, hopefully, solutions to the networking bugs and "missing features" in Microsoft Windows 4.x.

It is intended as a relatively low-traffic list for network managers who know from whence they speak. I don't want any basic setup questions. We are cooperatively maintaing this FAQ.

If you don't need any more mail littering your inbox, perhaps we could interest you in the archive of all messages posted to win95netbugs on gopher://quixote.stanford.edu. Currently the path is 1m/win95netbugs, but this is likely to change to separate directories for each month Real Soon Now.

Currently, there is no digest option, but this is expected to become available "soon." See above for a suggested workaround.

The list is managed automatically by a majordomo list server. To subscribe to the list, send the command "subscribe win95netbugs" in the body of an electronic mail message to [email protected]. Do not include your real name or email in the body of the message; it will be extracted from the From: header. This is important because if the From: header of subsequent messages don't match, they will be bounced to the list moderator.

For more information, email [email protected].

Please read the preceding four paragraphs again before inquiring about or asking to join the list.

Messages sent to the list by non-subscribers will be discarded.

All messages to the list are archived, redistributed on a gopher server, and physically become the property of Stanford University and other recipients, though you retain other rights associated with copyright.

Subscriptions from anonymous remailers are very welcome. The majordomo we're using does not honor the "who" command. Subscriptions from local mailing lists are not welcome, because of the feedback errors this can generate.

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A.3. What related resources are available?

Date: Mon, 22 Jan 96 20:00:00 -0800
From: Rich Graves <[email protected]>

The "official" Microsoft Windows FAQ suite is maintained by [email protected] (Tom Haapanen). Information on getting the various Windows FAQs is posted to comp.os.ms-windows.announce on a weekly basis. The offical FTP archives for the Windows FAQs are:


More pertinent, up-to-date, and useful resources are also available on the Net. There's far too many to list. Just see Yahoo's Windows Page. Of special interest might be the official www.windows.microsoft.com.

Unfortunately, at this writing, all of the Win95 networking resources listed in Yahoo, with the exception of this one :-), are SLIP/PPP guides written by nontechnical people. If you have a good guide, please list it in Yahoo and other directories and send me a note.

For technical information on PC TCP/IP networking, notably some free/shareware SLIP/PPP servers and IP gateways, see Bernard Aboba's excellent FAQ for the comp.protocols.tcp-ip newsgroup, which you can get from:


Another useful page from the loyal opposition (David really likes Win95) is Windows95 Annoyances, http://www.creativelement.com/win95ann/.

Microsoft publishes selected known problems and workarounds in the Microsoft Knowledge Base, http://www.microsoft.com/kb/. The keywords "kbnetwork," "3rdPartyNet," and "win95" are useful to know. Another useful search is "network not kbnetwork," which returns several interesting files. Shows attention to detail in indexing.

There are some other random, unindexed files in this directory. Especially get the new.txt spool of stuff that should probably be added to the FAQ, but which I haven't had time for. Write up an appropriate FAQ question and answer, and see your name here.

Finally, those with a technical bent should take a look at Kent Daniel Bentkowski's Registry FAQ, so that you can help him fix it up and find a real (non-AOL) home for it. This potentially useful document is, unfortunatey, homeless at this time, but anyone with sufficient interest should have no trouble finding it.

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A.4. Copyright Notice.

Parts of this Networking FAQ are Copyright © 1998 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All new addition and reqorking thereof for the purposes of integration into the main Windows 95-L FAQ copyright Hans Klarenbeek. The contents of this document may not be used for any commercial purpose. The contents of this document may be used in weekly PC magazines, but only with proper attribution.

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A.5. To Do's and cries for help.

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 97 22:00:00 -0800
From: Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>

Except as noted, I'm happy with version 12.0 of the FAQ. Please mail me with corrections and additions.

To be removed upon completion

I would also greatly appreciate it, and of course credit you, if you'd take a look at the mail spool of stuff that should be added to the FAQ, but hasn't been because I don't have time. Also see the list archive.

Windows95 (Win95-L) & Networking FAQ COPYRIGHT © 1998 by Hans Klarenbeek

All Rights Reserved by the author, Hans Klarenbeek

Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ © 1998 PERMISSION:

Permission is granted freely to distribute this article in electronic form as long as it is posted in its entirety including this copyright statement. This article may not be distributed for financial gain. This article may not be included in any commerical collections or compilations without the express permision of the author, Hans Klarenbeek([email protected])