This entire 'NEW' section of the Windows 95 FAQ is based on Kent Daniel Bentowski's 'Registry FAQ' Like the Windows 95 and Networking FAQ it has been absorbed into the greater Windows 95 FAQ. Perhaps a Gatesian bent on the part of the author.... In any case enjoy. The primary changes thus far consist of Tidying up and integrating it into the Windows 95-L FAQ - this thus neccesitated the removed of non-registry related items or relocation to more appropriate section within the FAQ - this beast is become seriously large....
Readme FIRST!!!! - Registry Architecture - Customizing Windows 95 - Fine Tuning Windows 95 - Problem Solving in Windows 95 - Registry Tricks - Windows 95 Reference Materials - Windows 95 Registry Binary Value Reference List |
A Word From Hans Klarenbeek
The word registry still conjures up image of doom and destruction, registry editing is still the preserve of those willing to push the envelope and be prepared to to re-install Windows 95 or indeed format the entire Hard-Drive come disater. It's is not too differerent to the old days of applying patches and modifications to the win.ini and system.ini files or downloading that latest pop-up tsr which its author guarantees will make life easier.... No if you live to tweak and optimise your machine than the registry is THE thing for you to play with. Being employed in the industry as a sales person (what? I know what I'm talking about!) I often get asked 'how come you know how to fax my computer?' the answer said with a cheesy smile on my face is 'If you've screwed up your own often enough its easy fix others. Man I reinstalled Windows 3.11 8-10 times in the first week of owning my PC - you learn the hard way not a courses or anything silly like that (Ooops I am a trainer too) So what I mean is learning is expereince. Have fun with the registry but read the disclaimer!!!
A Word From Kent Daniel Bentkowski
Try mentioning the word Registry on the Windows 95 Technical Support telephone line, and the support technician that you are speaking to will tell you in no uncertain terms that Microsoft isn't supporting that feature to end users. Besides, they try to convince you that you'll trash your entire system if you so much as attempt to edit one single Registry entry.
And yet, it is the one single feature in all of Windows 95 that brings total system control to the user. If only they'd tell us how it works! The Windows 95 Resource Kit, which is a powerhouse technical manual the size of a phone book, contains a scant eighteen pages on the Registry. Believe it or not, but the Resource Kit contains nearly as much information on their new online service "The Microsoft Network."
Accepting the challenge, I plugged in the Configuration Backup utility that comes with the Resource Kit, and began poking and prodding the various Registry entries. I discovered small and mundane techniques, like renaming the Recycle Bin, remapping icon files so that the corresponding bitmap displays instead, and the secret to removing the Exchange Inbox from the Desktop.
Kent, thanks for all the work you put into this mate I know it's a shit job, also many thanks to you contributors.
[3-5] The six Hkey Handles of the Registry
[3-6] SubKeys of the six Hkey Handles
[3-6-1] Hkey_Local_Machine
1 Icons from the actual bitmaps.
X Drag shortcuts onto the Desktop. Relocated - see 'link'
2 Change the Desktop folders Default.Icon.
3 Add the Control Panel to the Start Menu.
4 Control Panel power at your fingertips!.
Still More Control Panel Power!.
Start Menu Cascading Folders
5 What you need to know to edit the Recycle Bin.
Changing the iconI
6 Removing unwanted items from the Desktop.
7 How to change the My Computer Default icon.
8 Renaming "My Computer".
9 If you want to leave the Net 'hood.
10 Change the Desktop's default folder.
1 Edit essential folders
2 Quickly clearing the Recent Documents Menu
3 What are the Windows 95 Tune Ups? To be relocated!
4 My Two Favorite Features . . .To be relocated!
1 If an application cannot find its' Help File
2 A tip for Multi-Boot users
1 Speed-up the Start Menu!
2 My city isn't on the time zone map!!!
3 Editing the Windows TIPS at start-up
4 Friendly "Short" Names
5 3-D Objects: Highlights and Shadows
6 Reappearing values in the Registry?
7 Adding sounds to application events
95 Reference Materials
1 Windows 95 Resource Kit
2 Inside Windows 95
3 Windows 95 Secrets
4 Software Developer's Guide To Windows 95
5 Windows 95 Programmer's Guide
6 Programming the Windows 95 Interface
7 Microsoft Developer Network
95 Registry Binary Value Reference List
1 Control Panel
2 Printers
3 Recycle Bin
4 My Computer
5 Dial-Up Networking
6 Network Neighborhood
7 Inbox
8 Desktop
9 Shortcut
Registry Editor Command Reference