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    1 Eliminate errors when booting up?

    Errors 6102 on bootup: I am getting this message every time I boot up: "Error occurred while loading device: VNETSUP: Error 6102. The string specified by the Workgroup keyword in the registry is too short."

    Answer: Seen this before, you need to specify a workgroup in the Control Panel /network icon/identification tab. It doesn't matter what it says (mine says "none") but it needs to have something there.

    VxD vmm Has anyone experienced a consistent fatal error in the final beta with the following message:>

    A fatal error 0E has occurred in moduleVxD Vmm . . .>occurring @ various memory addresses. The unit gets this message quite frequently (every 1-2 min. w/ normal use).I can clear the error about 3-4 times before the screen no longer refreshes, and I am forced to reset. I have gone through the system properties looking for irq & dma conflicts finding none. I am suspecting a chipset argument among the hardware components.

    Answer: I know a good challenge when I see it...found the answer to this one in the win.ini of all places. Remember that file which is only included for backwards comparability? Under the section [colors] the line "graytext=" sets the colors for disabled text. I use a gray menu so my entries are Menu=192 192 192 GrayText=128 128 128

    My guess is that yours both read the same numbers. Try this and see if this points to any thing that will help. Go to Help and use the search to vmm32, in window 3 click on Troubleshooting Specific Startup Errors, and Verifying the Installation.

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    2 TCP/IP Troubleshooting Diagnostics Program?

    There's a program in the C:\WINDOWS directory that I've often seen but never clicked on. Turns out it's rather useful for diagnosing DNS and IP address problems.The program is called WINIPCFG.EXE, and is a really cool little thing. It gives a pull-down list box of your various IP interfaces, including PPP, and their respective information. Even has checkboxes for IP Routing, which implies that Win95 should be able to do this, just like NT. Click the "More Info" box and find yourself bedazzled by swaths of information. (Most of which is for DHCP, and useless for most dial-up users, but hey, it's there.) Doesn't look like you can /change/ it from here, though, unless you're running DHCP. ---Xiphias

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    3 After install, files that may be manually delete?

    Files '95 won't delete....ie. Terminal is now replaced by Hyperterminal, do you still need Terminal cluttering up your HD? Files '95 deletes only if you install new versions....ie.Character Map is also offered by '95 if you specified it replaced. If you don't use Character Map do you need this type of file on your HD? Features dropped.......ie.Clock isn't included with '95, so it doesn't delete them, if you don't use these, do you need them?

    Orphans......HANDLE WITH CARE*****some are key Win3.x system files, follow the orphan procedure, after running Win95 for a month or so...

    1) in MS-DOS mode check each accessed date with DIR /V filename

    *DOS BACKUP: msbackdb.ovl msbackdr.ovl msbacfb.ovl msbackfr.ovl msbackup.exe msbackup.hlp msbackup.ini msbackup,ovl msbackup.rst msbconfg.hlp msbconfg.ovl *DOS ANTIVIRUS: msav.hlp msav.ini msav.exe msavhelp.ovl msavirus.lst vsafe.com *DOSSHELL: dosshell.com dosshell.exe dosshell.grb dosshell.ini dosshel.vid dosshell.hlp dosswap.exe ega.sys *QBASIC: gorilla.bas money.bas nibbles.bas qbasic.exe qbasic.hlp remline.bas *MEMMAKER: chkstate.sys memmaker.exe memmaker.hlp memmaker.inf memmaker.sts sizer.exe *UNDELETE: mirror.com mwundel.hlp mwundel.exe undelete.exe *INTERLINK: interink.exe intersvr.exe *ORPHAN FILES: appnotes.txt backup.exe cv.com dblspace.hlp dblspace.inf dblwin.hlp defrag.hlp doshelp.exe doshelp.exe dossetup.ini drvspace.hlp drvspace.inf help.exe keybrd2.sys msherc.com recover.exe smartdrv.sys *OTHER DOS not in WIN95: 4201.cpi 4208.cpi 5202.cpi append.exe assign.com comp.exe delodos.exe diskcoomp.com driver.sys edlin.exe exe2bin.exe expand.exe fastopen.exe graftabl.com graphics.com graphics.pro join.exe icd.cpi loadfix.com monoumb.386 mstools.dll power,exe print.exe printer.sys printfix.com replace.exe restore.exe setup.exe smartmon.exe smartmon.hlp tree.com unformat.com

    --for other DOS files, after a month check with a dir /v from a dos prompt, if it is blank move to a temp dir (folder), and if you have no problems, 86 them.

    2) if the access date is blank, (hasn't been accessed for the month) then move to a TEMPORARY dir.

    3) if the system runs good for another month you can probably safely delete the files. dates of importance for /windows /windows/system files

    03-10-92 Win3.1 files

    12-31-93 Win3.11

    09-30-92 WFWG3.1

    11-01-93 WFWG3.11

    *Files '95 won't delete*

    FAX- awcas.dll awfaxio.dll dilsched.dll efaxrun.dll faxmgr.exe faxstub.dll keyview.exe netfax.dll awclass1.dll awfxprot.dll efaxdrv.drv fax.cpl faxsnp.dll faxview.exe lineariz.dll sigview.exe awclass2.dll awt30.dlle faxpump.dll faxcover.dll faxopt.dll ifkernel,dll msfax.hlp

    MAIL-- impexp.dll msmail.hlp mail.wri wgpomgr.dll msmail.exe TERMINAL-- terminal.exe terminal.hlp WIN BACKUP-- mwbackf.dll mwbackup.hlp mwbackr.dll vfintd.386 mwbackup.exe

    *Files '95 deletes only with new versions*

    CHAR MAP-- charmap.exe CHAT-- ringin.wav winchat.hlp ringout.wav winchat.exe CLIPBOARD-- clipsrv.exe clipbrd.ini clipbrd.exe clipbrd.hlp HEARTS-- cards.dll mshearts.exe mshearts.hlp MINESWEEP-- winmine.exe winmine.hlp NETWATCH-- netwatch.exe netwatch.hlp NETWORK DDE-- nddeapi.dll nddenb.dll netdde.exe SOLITARE--sol.exe sol.hlp WINDOWS POPUP--winpopup.hlp winpopup.exe

    *Features 86ed from '95 (taken out of win95)*

    WIN ANTIVIRUS-- mwavabsi.dll mwavdrvi.dll mwavmgr.dll mwavtree.dll mwavdlg.dll mvav.exe mwavscan.dll mwavtsr.exe mwavdosi.dll mwav.hlp mwavsos.dll mwgrafic.dll CALENDER-- calendar.exe calendar.hlp CARDFILE-- cardfile.exe cardfile.hlp CLOCK-- clock.exe RECORDER-- recorder.dll recorder.exe recorder.hlp SCHEDULE+-- msremind.exe schdplus.exe trnsched.dll mssched.dll schdplus.hlp schedmsg.dll trnoff.dll

    **Orphan Files**

    ab.dll cpqvga.gr3 glossary.hlp lm21drv.upd mailspl.exe pabnsp.dll rmm.d32 smc8000w.386 tim17521.wpdvddxga.386 vpmtd.386 wfwnetcp.hlp write.hlp cmc.dll demilayr.dll hpeisa.386 mach.3gr mssfs.dll progman.hlp sconfig.dll sound.drv v7vga.3gr vforms.dll wfwaudit.dll win.cnf xga.drv cpqgr3.exe framewrk.dll hpisa.386 mailmgr.dll ncdw.dll rasmac.386 sendfile.dll store.dll vddsvga.386 vga.3gr wfwnet.cpx winfile.hlp

    [email protected]

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    4 TIPS: Install & Re-Install?

    Last week I posted a message (INSTALL: 490=>MSN=>WordPad) about problems I was having with viewing MSN downloaded files . . .(and MS tech support suggestion that I re-install Windows to a separate directory --> possible corrupted system files)

    TIPS Summary --> for those who want to "cut to the chase"

    After struggling for almost twelve hours last night and this morning, I learned:

    c:\utility\cdromDRV.SYS /D:mcd-000 /n:1

    c:\dos\mscdex.exe /D:mcd-000









    ...and for those who want more of GORY details in hopes it will "jog" their memory with a future but related problem back to OUR STORY: Last week ... rymabry@

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    5 Copying INSTALL - Configuration to several Pcs?

    Get your hands on the Resource Kit, or wait until the 24th and it'll be on the CD. The kit explains how to set up and configure Setup batch files. This will allow you to set up the same configuration on every computer. ---mycuzvin@

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    6 Bios Virus protection causes problems

    A very useful tip I learned for Award Bios users. I have an Award flash bios and I recently installed partition magic. Halfway through the process, the anti-virus part of the bios detected the program writing to the boot sector and it stopped the program cold. This destroyed my partion table (since it wasn't through yet) and I had to format my hard drive. I then tried to reinstall 95' and the virus detection on the bios stopped the installation process. I got into the bios setup and turned off (disabled) that virus protection. Everything worked great after that.


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    Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ COPYRIGHT © 1998 by Hans Klarenbeek

    All Rights Reserved by the author, Hans Klarenbeek

    Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ © 1998 PERMISSION:

    Permission is granted freely to distribute this article in electronic form as long as it is posted in its entirety including this copyright statement. This article may not be distributed for financial gain. This article may not be included in any commerical collections or compilations without the express permision of the author, Hans Klarenbeek([email protected])