Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit v3.51 & v4.0
Since this is what I am in the process of doing this particular post struck a chord as being useful for us networking MS professionals..Please try for the cheapest computing books...
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 14:49:03 -0500 From: Dale White <[email protected]> Subject: MSCE
For Windows NT, I would strongly suggest Microsoft's Self-paced Windows NT 3.5 or 4.0 Training Books. It has all you will ever need to know about NT (for MSCE that is)
I would not suggest using the NT 3.5 Books for NT 4.0. Only because I spent alot of time studying NT Domains and Trusts, But there wasn't any questions on the NT 4.0 Core Technologies Test. (There on the NT 4.0 Enterprise exam)
Of course, the cost for the Training books is around $ 250.00. So you might try to get your company to expense it or go in with a friend or two.
There are also Self paced training books for Win95 (around $150.00) and for Network Essentials (about $100), all of which are great books.
The NT Resource Kits are OK for studying, but they tend to be a little more technical, and doesn't really cover all the areas that may be on the test. Win95's RSK is a little better for using for the Test. But I find both to be more for research then for prepping for a test.
A company called New Rider has books out explicitly for the MSCE. The books run about $55-60, comes with a CD and some decent practice test. Currently the books only cover 4 topics (2 per book); Win95 and Networking Essentials TCP\IP and System Management Server (SMS) 1.1
Another (and my favorite) method is to download the practice tests (assessment Exams) from Microsoft's web page ( or buy some from a company like Transcender or Wave Technologies.
I like to use the test to measure what I know and then study the daylights out of what I don't know. If you use the test right, you can fully know and understand your answers. If you just look up the answer then you really aren't learning the material.
Also, I have found that the Transcender test are much harder than the Actual exams. The best example is that I still haven't passed the NT Transcender, but I have already passed the NT test.
Digital also uses New Horizons for there training, For the most part the classes have all been pretty good, but like with all things, it really depends on the instructor
Hopes this helps
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 09:55:45 +0200 From: Bruce MacMillan <[email protected]> Subject: Re: MCSE advice
MCSE is highly rated qualification world wide. Pass rate is about 30% and there are about 13,000 qualified MCSE to date, serving a computer population of x0,000,000. The best board is list server [email protected] which you join via [email protected] (subscribe MCSE ?) From there you will find 90% people doing MCSE via self study, posting good stuff. Also have Professional Trainers like Herb Matin, who gives up a lot of his time (no charge ) helping everyone with anything associated with MCSE. There are many boards dedicated to each exam, From Networing Essential to TCP/IP. Please understand that these are not trivial exams and you are required to pass six (4 core exams and 2 specialist called electives). Some sites to kick you off which I cut from my bookmark. Some may not be relevent or active but hope this helps.
MSCE Sites (This section is Under Construction & Sites are unverified)
A Micosoft Training
Page and an FTP
Another Microsoft
Microsft Certified Professional Page
MS-Certification Site
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 17:12:50 +0800 From: "S, Ganesh" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: White paper on pure TCP/IP network implementation.
The Cyberwiz
Web66 (A
great page in development - have beaten me to many ideas - bastards :-))
Mountain Windows NT User Group
The Windows NT Resource
NT 3.5x/4.0 Public Fixes From Microsoft
NT 4.0 HotFixes (Post SP2)
Beverly Hills Software,
NT Resource Center
Bryan's FAQ On Triple Booting NT, Windows 95, and DOS From The NT Boot
Modification Guide To Boot NT w/ DOS, Win95, and Linux.
Virtual UN*X
Page of Unix to Win32 Ports
Pragma's Telnet
Server and Client.
Installation Under NT4
On Running Games Under NT4
NT Internals,
Makers of NTFS DOS, NT FileMon, and NT RegMan
Seattle Lab's
Page, Makers Of A Great Telnet And Mail Server
IRC Channel Homepage
The Internet
Information Server Page
NT Magazine DropZone File Archive.
Are there
major differences in NT 4.0 Workstation and Server?
between NT Workstation and NT Server
General Information and Magazine Sites
CommunicationsWeek, CommunicationsWeek International, Computer Reseller News, Computer Reseller News Germany, Computer Retail Week, Electronic Buyers' News, Electronic Engineering Times, HomePC, Informatiques Magazine, InformationWeek, InteractiveAge, Max, CD-ROM, NetGuide, Network Computing, OEM Magazine, VAR Business, Windows Magazine
PC Magazine PC/Computing Windows Sources Computer Shopper Computer Gaming World PC Week MacWeek Yahoo! Internet Life Computer Life MacUser PC Magazine Family PC Inter@ctive Week
Inside Microsoft Excel, Inside Microsoft Word 6, Inside Microsoft Office, Inside Microsoft Access, Inside Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 95 Professiona, Inside Microsoft Windows, Exploring Windows NT, Inside Visual FoxPro, Inside the Internet, The Internet Business Advantage,
DBMS OTJ - Oracle Technical Journal
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