The Windows 95-L now includes the main Windows 95 Networking FAQ - the reasons for doing so are quite simple most of us dedicated nerds have two machines whih are generally attempting to network together - Windows 95 makes a lot easier but the FAQ was very important for this - the reasons for the integration are quite simple really the two areas were overlapping and as such it was better to join the the two than to keep them as two distinct FAQ's - I would like to thank all past contributors to the FAQ and particularly ofcourse Rich Graves. I hope I don't get any threatening letters from Stanford Uni!


Archive-name: ms-windows/win95netbugs
Posting-Frequency: bi-monthly
FAQ-Maintainer: Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>
Last-Change: 30 Sept 1998 by Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>
Version: 11.1

This FAQ concerns problems you might encounter with Win95's networking features after you have set everything up according to the directions, such as they are. You might want to jump to iii. Index.

i. Format of this FAQ

Date: Mon, 30 Sept 96 22:00:00 -0800
From: Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>

This FAQ is no longer self standing it is now part of the Win95-L FAQ. The new revision of this FAQ is maintained with a variety of tools, foremostly PFE and Netscape Navigator Gold, Lesser though no less important tools include X-Replace (now shareware again! :- ( ) - See main section on this

ii. Index

Date: Sat, 30 Dec 95 13:13:13 -0800
From: Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>

A. Administrivia

B. IPX/SPX (NetWare) Issues

C. TCP/IP (Internet) Issues

D. Dialup Networking (SLIP/PPP) Issues (to be reintegrated into Win-95-L)

E. Miscellaneous Issues

F. Windows Networks (NT, WFW) Issues

G. Hardware-Specific Issues

iv. Trademark and other notices

Date: Mon, 30 Sept 96 22:00:00 -0800
From: Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>

Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windoze, Windows NT, Windows 95, and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks, trademarks, or parodies of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft Corporation in no way endorses or is affiliated with The Windows 95 Networking Bugs FAQ. Other trademarks are the property of their respective lawyers. No animals were harmed in the production of this FAQ.

Copyright © 1998 Hans Klarenbeek, parts and at this stage most remains the Copyright of Rich Graves & Stanford University.
Redistribution and mirroring are encouraged provided the source is credited.

All Rights Reserved by the author, Hans Klarenbeek

Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ © 1998-7 PERMISSION:

Permission is granted freely to distribute this article in electronic form as long as it is posted in its entirety including this copyright statement. This article may not be distributed for financial gain. This article may not be included in any commerical collections or compilations without the express permision of the author, Hans Klarenbeek([email protected])