NT4 for Beginners- Step by Step

Limits and Scope of this Section

Some people are just a pain in the aarse

Golden words of advice from one lamer to another

My First Painful experience with Windows NT 4.0

The Install has blown up in my face - now what??

The Install was a success now what??

Golden words of Advice from one lamer to another


Preparation! Oh! I haven't scared you off???

Doing the Deed....

My First Painful experience with Windows NT 4.0

Date:         Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:43:43 -0700
From:         Hans Klarenbeek <[email protected]>
Subject:      Comments.....

I suppose it was foolish for me to believe that there wouldn't be any pain in learning to 'run' Windows NT 4.0. I used the word run as opposed use since using windows NT 4.0 is only very slighly different to using Windows 95. Running an OS as opposed to using it involves knowing how to fix it when it screws up..... If you are a Windows 95 user who believes that knowing how to fix a problem with Windows 95 gives you the ability to 'fix' problem in NT4.0 THINK AGAIN!... My painful first exposure to NT4.0 came in the form of RAS... Whatever I would do I could NOT dial into the internet.... I installed and uninstalled and reinstalled everything to no avail.... now I was aware of the problem people had with RAS/TCPIP stuff after service pack 2 so I figured that by installing SP2 it may fix it right??? - Well it didn't so then I applied Hot Fix for Ras.... No joy...... I said to myself bugger this I will just remove all RAS related stuff and start again..... Next thing Blue Screen of Death!!! (BSOD) Yes! It did this even in VGA mode.....

Now the problem in this instance isn't so much that it has died in the aarse as in what do I do about it? So were in Windows 95 I would be able to use do to recontruct or recopy missing files etc but no such joy with NT4.0 .... Its dead dead..... Hmmm reinstall time fine I left the install directory on another partition (the CD is at work for real work stuff and real paying clients not NT wannabe gurus like yours truly) and I find that MS have put some kind of primitive (CD Bootable) protection on NT which forces you to have the CD handy.... Great I think my MS-Select clients must love that especially if their server goes down on a weekend..... (since many don't get to keep the media). So I borrow the CD format the partition and reinstall so here is the word of advise.......

Think and think again when you do your install - the questions NT asks you at the start are IMPORTANT ... if you are a hacker/lamer like me using NT Server to play with please tell the installer that you want to configure for a stand alone server....!!!!!!! Installing with one of the other options might sound cool but you are going to be very unhappy......


One: - Tell the setup programme that you wish to configure as a standalone server

Two: When it asks you to give the machine and IP range give a safe but nonesensical IP range such as to this apparently keeps NT happy (please E-mail me if you know why exactly)

The second time I tried to set up RAS point click and done logged on and working!!!!.... (don't you hate that?)

The Install has blown up in my face - now what??

It didn't but I will be putting people experiences in here perhaps one will help you...

It all worked successfully now what???

Reinstalling or sharing Apps with Windows 95???

I am really lame I will just reinstall all my applications (What are you doing playing with NT?) - well no need to read on ... skip to the beginners Q&A For those who like a bit of a challenge and dont want to reinstall their apps or want to share apps between NT and 95 keep reading and follow the link after the preliminary discussion.

Now it is time to figure out what apps need to be reinstalled and which don't - Those that put critical information in the Windows 95 Registry are most likely to be a dead loss... However you may be surprised by some of the apps which are either tranportable to the new OS without re-install or can even be shared between the two OS's. Please NOTE that this is only possible when the app to be shared is on FAT because otherwise Windows 95 will not able to acces it!!!!... Please note that most apps even when they do come across succesfully will have to have their file associations recreated....

Apps that definitely do not need reinstallation.

Any off the small tools will quite happily come across especially if they happen to live in just the one directory. Examples of such programmes are Eudora, Eudora Pro, Pfe, Free-Agent, Cute FTP and Paint Shop Pro and doubtlessly a plethora off other small apps... Some of small apps such as Winzip will need to have their registration code re-entered and the reggo code is stored in the win.ini file like this (example only does not work OK)

The registration code would thus need to be recreated in the Windows NT dir's dummy win.ini file for Winzip to realise that it is indeed registered....



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Windows NT 4 (WinNT-L) FAQ COPYRIGHT © 1996 by Hans Klarenbeek

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